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Noodle recipes

Fried shrimp or chicken VIMIXA™ noodles. Preparation time: 30 minutes

Excellent traditional Chinese recipe with quick preparation.

- 200g of VIMIXA™ noodles - 2 spoons of olive or vegetable oil - Handful of fresh chopped coriander leaves (or parsley) - 1 fresh red chilli pepper, chopped finely without seeds - 10 shrimps or 100g of diced chicken meat - 1 clove of garlic, sieved - 1 spoonful of sesame oil (optional) - 3 spoonfuls of soya or other of your favourite Asian sauce - Vegetables: green and red pepper, leek, carrot - season with Chinese spice, salt and pepper

1. Wash the vegetables, peel the onion and garlic, scrape the carrot. Slice peppers without cores thinly, divide peeled onion in half and cut to strips, cut the carrot to half-rounds, leek to rounds, slice the garlic.

2. Pour VIMIXA™ noodles into salted boiling water and cook as in the instructions on the packaging. Strain noodles, trickle in a bit of oil and mix with a half of the coriander leaves.

3. Heat up a thick non-sticky pan or wok, pour in remaining oil, add diced chicken meat or shrimps and fry for about 5 minutes while stirring. Add chilli pepper and garlic and fry the mix for 2 more minutes. Fry the vegetables quickly on oil till it becomes tender. It has to stay rare and crispy.

4. Add vegetables and nuts into the pan and pour in soya sauce and sesame oil. Stir and heat up just a bit. Dredge with the rest of coriander, add salt, possibly pepper and serve with noodles.

Enjoy your meal.

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